Wednesday, 19 May 2021


Hi there!

Before I start my post, I would totally want to include the Spotify playlist I'm listening to now, but I don't know how to embed it here oops. -EDIT: I DID IT!!!-

I was looking through IG and Carousell that day, and I saw a lot of film cameras I want to buy. BUT NO. Stop looking! *smacks hand* 

Like my mum always say, I have very expensive hobbies. But look ma! I put them to use ok. 

Realised my previous posts I don’t really talk about photography stuff so here are some storage tips so your expensive hobbies last longer:
BTW it's super important to store your cameras and guitar properly. I store my cameras at humidity level ~39% in a dry cabinet, and my guitars at 45% in a room with this dehumidifier (Deerma brand) I got on Shopee. *ahem* hi Deerma if by any chance you happen to see this, I'm open to sponsors. LOL I'm a joke. Every time I write my posts I feel like I'm talking to myself. Anyway if you're planning on getting one, do check for the amount of water it can collect. Mine collects close to 1.5 to 2L (I think) after a few hours but that's because my house is freaking humid gosh. Lesson learnt the hard way was when my DSLR lens had mould, and also when my precious guitar was covered with mould spots EW! No choice when SG weather is like this. However, if you have aircon in your room then it helps too! :) any aircon companies want to sponsor-shut up shu mei.

Anyway, here are the photos I took on 16 May 2021. The weather was perfect I had to get out to take some photos :D I also walked so much under the sun I think I've come to terms that my awkward tan line on my legs will never fade. Heh.

The streets and roads were super empty on day 1 of phase 2. I love the quietness but it just didn't feel right. I really wish things were back to the way it was pre-covid. But we have to really appreciate the little things in life. I can name some from that day- having a window seat on the bus, listening to the sounds around you, walking aimlessly. 

Photos here are taken with my Canon AE-1 Program and the film I used this time round is Kodak Ultramax 400! I kept this roll in a box since 2019 and it was about to expire + my room was very humid so I wasn't sure if the colours would be fine. So I'm super glad they turned out pretty alright! Maybe it's beginner's luck. I'm super happy with the colours too :) that's film right? Hehe you never know what you'll get. Also, when I was loading my film I swear I thought I didn't load it properly. But the rewind lever was also moving as I advanced the film, so it means the film is moving, which also means it's okay I guess!

I metered this at box speed i.e. ISO 400 because I was researching whether to overexpose but other film peeps say it’s not recommended unlike the Portra 400. I’ve been doing a ton of research about film ever since buying the Canon AE-1 Program cos I really don’t want to get images like how I did for my point and shoot oops. Years of editing the film look but it’s only when I get a proper film camera that I read up more on it haha. Anyway I also tested using A Program aka auto mode my old time friend but I realised I didn’t like how the shadows were tinted green. So yup! It’s interesting though, that the Ultramax 400 colours turned out better than expected. It’s actually not too bad. 

Fun fact: the 3rd photo- an uncle actually hid behind a tree while I pointed my camera towards his direction. He just appeared out of nowhere omg. Sorry uncle I didn't mean to look like I was taking a photo of you HAHAHA *face palm* 

P.S. some shots are repeated because I wanted to see the difference for the settings :) I also have a thing for archways hence the different archway photos. Some shots were also senget oops. I was tempted to straighten it out post edit, but nah I'll leave it as it is. You can tilt your head instead like what I did LOL.

Here are the photos!

F11, 1/60
F2.8, 1/30
F8, 1/125
F16, 1/125
A Program
F11-16, 1/250
F11, 1/60
A Program
F11-16, 1/250
F11-16, 1/125
F11-16, 1/125
F22, 1/125
A Program
F11, 1/500
F11, 1/60
F16, 1/250
F16, 1/250
F16, 1/250
F11, 1/125
F8, 1/250
F8, 1/125
F4, 1/60
F11, 1/60
F11, 1/250
F4-5.6, 1/250
F8, 1/60
F5.6-8, 1/60
F4, 1/60
F2.8-4, 1/30
F8, 1/60
F5.6, 1/125
F8.5-11, 1/250

Thank you for scrolling through my photos :) it really means a lot.

With love,

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