After such a hectic and tiring week, I'm so thankful for the weekend! I got to bring out my camera (finally) and do something that I like...hehe. I LOVE TAKING PHOTOS AND EDITING THEM even though most of the time I just point and shoot :\ I just find it super therapeutic to edit photos.
So yesterday's adventure started from going to Pacific Coffee Company to Lady M and to Esplanade :)
Spot the small kid! |
Pacific Coffee Company is everywhere in Hong Kong so I was super happy when I found one in Suntec City :)
[Victoria Street doing their soundcheck]
And after that me and Spencer went to Lady M!! They finally opened. Ordered a strawberry shortcake which tasted so good! Headed back to Esplanade at about 7pm 'cos Spencer had to get ready for his gig.
Victoria Street @ Esplanade's event That Thing Youth Do
The Cave
I decided to shoot everything in manual focus! ^^ still learning haha. (I use my sister's Nikon V1 if you guys are wondering, I do not own a DSLR 'cos most of the time I'm using my iPhone or my film camera. But I don't mind having a dslr if only the sky rained them)
And I use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to edit my pictures. That's about it! Can't wait for the next time I go out to take photos. Hope everyone had a great weekend. And thanks for dropping by :)